Monday, November 3, 2014

Social Media Policies

Keep it short and to the point. My district has a four page social media agreement. No one is going to read all four pages. San Diego also has four pages, but they are simplified better than my district. The social media agreement for teachers in my district is 7 pages long, no one is going to read that. The one I like the best is from the Palm Springs School District, they have two pages and it is very simplified, students will actually read that and understand expectations.

My top choices for a social media use agreement are:
  1. I will share my passwords with only my parents and teachers.
  2. I will not post hurtful or mean things to anyone online.
  3. If someone sends me a mean message online I will tell my parent or trusted adult.
  4. I will not share any personal info such as: my address, my phone number, or my birthday online.
  5. I will be a good digital citizen.
  6. I will not post inappropriate messages or pictures of friends.
  7. I will not post funny pictures of friends without their permission.
  8. I will get permission to post someone else's work, music, or images before I post them.
  9. I will only post things that show a positive digital footprint.
  10. I understand that by using the school's network, everything I post can be seen by my teacher and admin. 
I just introduced my classroom to Facebook. I showed them this page first. They did some editing before I posted. I would post these publicly during a board meeting and then also on our parents Facebook and Twitter feeds. Parents can give feedback via Facebook, Twitter, and phone. If we get it out there then everyone knows the expectations and can help us adjust what needs to be adjusted. The social media use agreement needs to be kept simple, but still cover the basics. No one will actually read a 4 page detailed agreement. How many times have you accepted a use agreement without reading their multi-page agreement?

San Diego social media agreement
San Bernardino City Unified
Palm Springs Unified School District