Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Social Network Sites

Social networking helps me grow as a professional. I have learned how to use Twitter effectively over the last couple of years and it has provided me with some great resources and shown me how to reach out and pass information on to others. I have also started presenting at conferences on how to use Twitter as an educator. At one point in time, someone taught me and I took the leap into the scary unknown. After getting adjusted to it, I realized its value.
I started dabbling with Pinterest this summer and have become much more comfortable with its platform, but I wouldn't say it is my go to site. I have used Facebook personally, but just as a way to post pictures of our children for relatives to see. I have an Instagram account, but never really dived into the world my students seem to spend most of their time in.
I am excited to be in this course and I couldn't have taken it at a better time than now since my district is going to be opening up social media sites this year. I have set up a class Twitter and Facebook account but have not had a chance to use it with students yet.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Part 1: Reflection
I feel I have grown using the resources from this course. The textbook has some great ideas for implementing technology into a classroom environment. I have sent several resources to my staff already from the resources I learned. I am most interested in exploring more ways to create cross-curricular content for my site. I have several teachers who would be willing to work with me on this.

On the downside, I feel taking this course during the summer is difficult. There is so much content to absorb and so little time. I wish I had more time to devote to exploring new ideas in this field. I have to accept my shortfalls here, due to my own limitations at home. All in all though, I know I am walking away with more than I started with.

Part 2: Assess your performance
As for my performance I would assess myself at about a "B" level. I feel I contributed good content, but fell short with APA citing, timeliness, and responses to others.