Saturday, July 27, 2013

School Evaluation Summary

This assignment was quite interesting. I found the survey to be much like a grading rubric and tried to keep my assessments of all the categories objective and unbiased. It was somewhat difficult to do because I have great faith in my school and its possibilities, but I also see where we are very deficient.

An example that comes up in almost every category is that only 25% of our staff routinely uses any technology. We still have some staff that can't make a folder on their desktop or even make a copy of a document. Every year though we are able to encourage maybe one or two more educators to take the plunge into using our Google Apps or even take their classes to the lab consistently.

Fault Line High School is one of two continuation high schools servicing a huge inter-city district. Every year and intake period always tops out with a waiting list of students needing to get in. Student eligibility comes down to need of/lack of credits. Over 90% of students are socioeconomically disadvantaged  and 94% qualify for free or reduced lunch programs. Out of 733 students, 70% are Hispanic/Latino with 42% second language learners. 16% of the student population are African American and 9% are white. The schools suspension rate is 27% and the drop out rate is 20% compared with the states 14%.

Students at Fault Line are inter-city. They come from very broken/limited backgrounds. Many are appointed to us from County Schools and Juvenile Hall. A large percentage of students also have gang affiliations. There is a student day care on the premisses so we have a large percentage of teen moms, some even have 2 children already. Student attendance is a huge issue every year and we try and find ways to encourage and offer incentives to increase attendance.

Overall, the school falls within the Islands criteria in the Technology Maturity Model. There were a few exceptions where things were more integrated and other areas that seemed more emergent. We definitely have areas that could be stressed more this year. I know one of our goals this year is to get more teachers on board routinely using the technology we have.

Survey Sheet

Evaluation Sheet

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